About me........

Hi everyone, I'm Lydia - I’d like to start by introducing myself – I’m a self proclaimed – self taught home chef.

I wish blogging was my full time job but I work as an IT recruiter and live in the suburbs of Seattle. I love to spend my time in the kitchen and sharing food with friends and family.  I started this blog to archive what I have made and modified over the past 20 years of cooking.  Plus it is a great way to share and keep in touch with family, friends and fellow bloggers.

I started cooking with my mom at a young age and was always involved in helping her in the kitchen.  Here I am twenty years later using what my mom taught me and my sisters in the world of food.  Mom taught me how to grocery shop, read a recipe, how to cook with what you have and how to improvise. As I got older (college) – I realized there was a lot more to the cooking world than what I had learned from my Mom.  I could cook with spice, garlic and cilantro and I loved it!  I started to develop my own style and palate by spending a lot of time reading cookbooks, magazines and the food network.   After college I lived with my sisters and they fed my cooking ego and kept me cooking and in the kitchen. Hannah ( an excellent baker)  has been one of my biggest fans and always gave me great ideas and suggestions of what to make – her personal requests are always pan-Asian or foods with lots of sauce and gravy.  Hence you will see a lot of pan Asian and foods that have sauces, salsas, or gravies.

Now I have a great boyfriend (Bill) who is my partner in cooking (or my guinea pig) and I am lucky because he is not picky and the only thing he does not like is parsley and beets.  I can deal with that because the only thing I really don’t like is artificially flavored orange, apple sauce and red vines.  The funny thing is I knew how to please him with food before we even met because Bill and Hannah both have the same palate.  If Hannah liked it…I knew Bill would like it…but I think Bill likes sauces and salsas even more than Hannah. Nowadays you will see Bill helping me in the kitchen or sometimes I am helping him and he is head Chef.  Other nights he is patiently waiting (or playing Call of Duty) while I try new recipes that sometimes take us into the 9pm hour.

So please enjoy! These photos are original and are created in my kitchen. Please ask any questions you have and I'll walk you through a recipe.

Enjoy and happy cooking.

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